Blast your autumn cold with a super curry

Blast your autumn cold with a super curry

But according to TV chef, Anjum Anand, we should be beating our colds with hot, spicy curry. 

Anjum has created the 'ultimate cold-busting curry’ - a meal packed full of spices and herbs to fight the symptoms of a cold. Though there is no cure for the common cold, spicy food helps to unblock your sinuses, causing your cold to pass quickly. The curry also contains turmeric, which contains antioxidants, perfect for boosting your immune system. As they say, the best cure is prevention.

Anjum says: “As a mother, I feel that it is my job to help keep my family healthy and especially so with cold season around the corner. The medicinal power of spices is very much woven into Indian heritage and I wanted to create a curry that packs in all the best cold-busting ingredients to help families survive the winter by turning to their kitchen shelves rather than their medicine cabinets.

She added: "This curry is not only simple to make, but is packed with immunity boosting ingredients that really can improve your overall health and well-being and reduce the risk of everyday infections.”

Anjum’s Ultimate Cold-Busting curry recipe is available to view now at