Soon, you might not even need to leave the house in order to get your hands on some good craft beer. A little machine called the Pico is a fully automatic brewing device that will allow you to be the brewer of your own beer.

Craft Beer

Craft Beer

By combining pre-packaged ingredients called PicoPaks and some water, the machine can create your 5 litres of your perfect beer in two hours. You can even customise the flavour with a controller on the front of the device.

The Kickstarter for the device has already shown a lot interest, with 517 backers pledging on the first day.

Pico creators said, "We started PicoBrew in 2010 to pursue the vision of enabling craft brewing at home leveraging new smart appliances in the same way the automatic espresso maker has enabled home espresso production.

"It's taken several hundred test batches of beer and many man-years of effort, but we are now a month away from EVT samples and on track for production early next year."

Craft brewing companies from around the world have also taken an interest with many signing up to supply ingredients to home brewers.