A brand new trailer has been revealed ahead of the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops III, showing off what 'The Giant Zombies' bonus map will have to offer.

Going back to the research facility featuring the weapon upgrading Pack-A-Punch Machine, players will be able to re-live the chaos of the Treyarch's classic 'Der Riese' Zombies map, picking up the story with Dempsey, Nikolai, Richtofen and Takeo where Origins left off.

'The Giant' will be a bonus map included with the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Collector's Editions, available now for pre-order.

Credit: Activision
Credit: Activision

Meanwhile, the special Juggernog edition of the game sold out across retailers months before the official release of the game, with many selling on their pre-orders on auction websites for double the price.

There's no word on whether or not the special edition will be restocked in stores, or whether the first batch was the only one available.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III will release on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, PS4 and PS3 on November 6.

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