Perhaps it is due to the community spirit that was widely felt during the Olympics, but a new survey has revealed that eight out of ten of us would personally intervene if one of our neighbours was being burgled.

Home and Garden on Female First

Home and Garden on Female First

82 per cent of those polled agreed that if they thought their neighbour was being burgled, they would do the heroic, and perhaps less sensible thing, of trying to tackle it themselves, rather than calling the police.

Respondents also demonstrated a neighbourly spirit, as 74 per cent said that they would offer a neighbour somewhere to stay if they become temporarily homeless.

The poll, which was carried out by the online directory,, also found that jealous partners have nothing to worry about, as only six per cent admitted to having had a romantic tryst with a neighbour.

Dominic Blackburn, Product Director of, said: “Our free directory enquiries and millions of addresses will help neighbours get in touch in an urgent situation or help them reunite with old friends”.

He added: “While an admirable Guardian Angel spirit was evident in the survey, we urge people to contact the authorities if they suspect trouble rather than trying to handle an emergency alone.”

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