Do you have an interior design dilemma? If so then Celia Sawyer is on hand to give you some great tips and advice.

Home and Garden on Female First

Home and Garden on Female First

- Dear Celia.I'm looking for some blinds for my kitchen window and cant decide what type to go for? The window is small and my house is really modern with wooden floors? Jo

Hi Jo, wooden venetians look nice and contemporary so I would suggest these in your kitchen.

There are lots of different wood colours and thickness options on the market now and sometimes you can find them ready made that will fit your size of window. Check out Ikea for ready made for less cash.

- Hi Celia I really like your sense of style, where do you get your ideas from? It shows in your interior design and your clothes that you wear on the television, and I would like to be able to make things look as good as you do.

I am a very visual person and so I am always looking at new ideas. Nature inspires me a lot and also I enjoy reading lots of books with images, even if they are not of the same subject matter they still very often give me ideas.

My clothes and interior styles are similar and I keep them simple sexy, contemporary with a star piece.

In my schemes I use oversized lights or a centre piece that really stands out, and in my dress sense I wear an oversized piece of jewellery to give it that wow factor!

- Can you tell me what sort of art to use in my teenage sons bedroom? He likes bold things and really modern and I would like something that has a statement but without spending the earth if possible?

Why not go for some 'pop art' something like a copy of an Andy Warhol which has a big statement across it, or one of his multi Marilyn images.You can pick these up on canvas relatively cheaply and they will certainly make a statement!

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