If you are looking to minimise your stuff- you might want to break it down into bite-sized chunks and work on one area at a time, so here are some quick wins when it comes to your electrical hoard.

Your old phones

Your old phones

Data sticks

If you one too many data sticks- it’s time to go through them and consolidate the things from them onto a large hard drive or one large data stick, delete the things you no longer need and reduce the sheer number of them in your drawer. Make sure you have multiple copies of the things that are most precious like photos but try and streamline them down.

Old consoles

If you have a bunch of old consoles you no longer use- take them to your local shop that buys such equipment and make some money from them to put towards something you want to use- or just give your savings a little boost.

Wires you can’t identify

Collect all your wires up and find out what they are all for. Put the relevant wire with the electrical item or label them up so you don’t have to do this task again and get rid of the rest. If you find that you threw away a wire you need- you can always order a replacement for very little money- but the chances of this happening are very slim.

Old phones

Make sure you wipe them first so there is no personal data on there or get the store to do it- and again make some cash from something that is taking up unnecessary space in your home. Are you ever going to use that Nokia 3310 again?!

Old printers

If you have a printer that works- what do you need with one that doesn’t? Or if your second one does work- what do you need with two? If you have a printer sitting up in your loft- either take it to the tip of it’s broken or sell or donate it if it’s still in good working order. They are big and bulky items- your loft boards will breathe a sigh of relief when you do.

Outdated electronics

Are you guilty of still having a portable CD player or worse- cassette player? If so it’s time to let go if you no longer use it. Most people have all the music they could ever listen to on their phones so there is no need for these items in your life anymore.

MORE: Seven reasons why decluttering is better than organising 

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