Do you find that you are forever on the hunt for your next purchase? If so, try looking around at what you already own and find a new appreciation for these items rather than pursuing other things. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Here are just a few tips to help curb this desire for more and be happy with what you already have. 

Take care of the things you already own: I clean my diamond studs, wedding, engagement and eternity rings every month and each time it gives me a new-found appreciation for them. They sparkle like the day they were given to me and they feel like a new piece on my finger or in my ears. At one stage I wanted more jewellery, but by taking excellent care of the meaningful pieces that I wear everyday, I’ve realised they are all I need in my jewellery box. Apply this care to the things that really matter to you. Dust your books, keep them in good order and always use a bookmark to protect the pages so they are crisp at every turn, clean your car regularly and empty it of excess items so you always enjoy the ride and wash, dry and store your favourite clothes carefully, so you can enjoy wearing them for years to come. 

Fix things that break: Rather than immediately seeking out a replacement for something that may be a little tired or broken- try fixing it yourself instead. Sew the top with a hole in, glue together the thing that has fallen apart and try to understand why the electrical appliance no longer works. If you put in the time and effort to restore something back to its former glory, you will have a renewed sense of gratitude for it. 

Shop in your own home first: Rather than immediately reaching for your phone to buy something, see what you already have in your home that could be fit for purpose. That box you threw in the attic, could make excellent storage for your child’s stuffed animals instead of investing in a new toy chest. The small basket that is in the back of the cupboard could double up as a drawer organiser and the coffee cup you never use could make an attractive toothbrush holder in your bathroom. Those items you thought were redundant or destined to be in storage forever, might actually have a use in your home in its current state. 

Use the things you haven’t in a while: If you have kept something with the intent of using it someday, make that day today! Pull out the old art supplies and see what you can create, clean your bike and take it out for a spin and play a board game with your family. If you’ve made a promise to spend time on this activity- don’t you owe it to yourself to follow through with your commitment?

Put things away where they belong: The easiest way to lose respect for the items you already have in your space is to mistreat them. If you leave your clothes in a heap on the floor instead of putting them neatly away, you will view these as inferior and in need of replacement. On the other hand, if you hang each one up lovingly and take the time to fold each piece, you will come to see that what’s there already is enough. 

Try your clothes on in different ways: If you always wear a particular dress over leggings, try it with some eye catching tights instead and pair it with a statement belt. If you avoid wearing a certain item of clothing- ask yourself why. With a few tweaks could it be made into something you love? Shorten the sleeves, change the buttons, take it in at the waist, dye the material a different colour, fray the edges of the denim- whatever you don’t like about a garment- perhaps you can transform it into something you will want to wear everyday. 

Focus on quality over quantity: If you really do need something for your home- don’t settle for poor quality. Save up for the best of the best, which means you will need to make sacrifices now to get it in the future. Rather than spending money on lots of little things- put the cash you would have shelled out on these pieces away towards your bigger ticket item. Once you save enough, you will appreciate it far more because of the purchases you have had to give up to acquire it. Just make sure it’s a need not a want!

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Have less stuff: It’s the easiest way to reduce the amount of time you spend on cleaning. Declutter each of your spaces and the notice instantly how much faster you can get your chores done. There will be fewer ornaments you need to move to dust your surfaces, you won’t have to tidy away as many toys before you vacuum and there won’t be as many appliances on your kitchen worktops if you want to reach the splashbacks... to read more click HERE 

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