If you are trying to curb your shopping habits or if this time of year always encourages you to buy more than you normally would- here are our top questions to ask yourself before you click ‘buy now’ or pull out your credit card.

Minimalism on Female First

Minimalism on Female First

Do I need this?

Do you really need the item you are pondering over? Or is it something you only want because you have seen someone else with it or because it’s the ‘in thing’ to have right now? If you WANT it and don’t NEED it- it’s probably going to be a wasted purchase.

Could I make do with something else I already own?

Perhaps you have something already in your home that could work just as well as the thing you are thinking about buying. Take a quick mental inventory of the things that could fulfil the role of this item and you will probably find that you already own something fit for purpose.

What else could I do with the money?

Whether it’s a lot or a little- there is always an alternative way to use the money. A larger amount could be saved or go towards a more worthwhile purchase or experience. A smaller amount might be the equivalent of coffee with a friend or tickets to the movies with your lover- both of which will bring you more joy than a material item.

Why do I want this?

Does it appeal to your dream self? In other words, does it fit in with the person you want to be rather than the one you are now? Does the brand conjure up certain memories or associations in your head? Is someone pressuring you into buying it because they have one too? Forget about keeping up with the Jones’- if it doesn’t bring you any value- it’s not worth bringing into your world.

Can it wait?

Do you need the item right now? If not- you could add more money to the amount you are thinking about spending and buy something of better quality that’s longer lasting. If there is no immediate rush- give it time- you might even find that you don’t want it if you postpone the purchase.

What will I have to sacrifice to get this item?

If the money you are about to spend means you can’t do anything else with friends, family or your partner until you next get paid- is the item worth missing out on all that quality time with your loved ones for? Probably not. Choose activities over the acquisition of stuff as much as you can.

What is the lifespan of the item?

Often impulse purchases are cheap and cheerful for a little while- then they lose their appeal and their function because they drop to pieces. If you know from past experience that something is only going to last you for a few weeks or months- you might as well be throwing your money in the bin because that is where the item is going to end up anyway.

MORE: Female First's top 100 clutter free gifts 

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