People struggle to live with less because they believe they have too many barriers standing in their way of simplicity. Here are the seven of the most common hurdles and how to overcome them.

Spring is here and it's arguably the best time to start your journey

Spring is here and it's arguably the best time to start your journey

Too little time

You don’t have to declutter your entire home in one day or even one weekend. You can do it at your own pace. Why not take it one drawer at a time? You need only commit to half an hour a day or even a week if you are that time poor. Just ensure that whatever you have tidied stays that way and you will be on the right track, however gradual the process may be. There is no rule book that gives you a specific deadline- the timeline is unique to each person.

Too much stuff

If you feel overwhelmed about the sheer amount of things you own- make a plan first and visualise going through each segment of your home. This will help to mentally prepare you to the start the task. Break things down into bite sized chunks and use your plan as your guide. If you can see a little bit of progress regularly, this should keep you motivated to continue. You could take a before and after picture of each area you target to look back on at the end or even as you go to keep the momentum flowing.

Too little manpower

If you live on your own- ask for help from friends and family who have homes you admire. There is always someone out there who is willing to chip in if they know how much it will mean to you so don’t be afraid to ask. The worst they can say is ‘no’ and there are professionals who can help in the absence of anyone else.


If you feel you have an attachment to everything in your home- you could pack up a box of things- an item from every room in your home for example and give it to someone you trust. Let them keep it for a month and by the time the month is over see if you have missed the items in that box. If not, then you weren’t as attached as you thought you were and can live without the items.


If you release things from your home the memories won’t be cemented to them. They will forever be with you. If you feel like you need the item as a trigger, why not take a photograph of each piece and use this as your prompt when you want to take a walk down memory lane?

Lack of discipline

If you lack the discipline- it’s likely because you are looking at the project in its entirety. It’s easier to commit to something that is realistic and fits in with your availability. Decide how much time you want to commit to it each day and stick to that regardless of how small. Do it at a time when you know you are at your most productive. Find a way to reward yourself afterwards if you need another incentive. Do some decluttering for 15 minutes and read your favourite magazine, take a walk or watch your favourite show as a means of saying ‘well done!’

Sentimental family items

If you have a lot of family items that were passed onto you after a loss- it’s possible you want to hold onto them out of guilt or obligation. Imagine if your loved one were to come back for a day- what would they think about your space? What would they tell you to do with their stuff? Chances are, if they saw how much space it was taking up and how much it was negatively affecting your life they would tell you to let go.

Sometimes the barriers are not as large as we make them out to be so if you really want to live a life with less stuff- now is a great time to start! Good luck!

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