Minimalism is getting a lot of attention lately- but what is the fascination with this new lifestyle? Well, there are several factors that make is so appealing- here are just a few…

Minimalism on Female First

Minimalism on Female First

People are nosy: People love to have a good look around other people’s homes- for inspiration- but mostly because they are inquisitive. It feels quite cheeky to have a peek around someone’s home on a You Tube video- as it’s not something that is socially acceptable in any other situation.

Before and after: There is something addictive about seeing a before and after- someone who had a lot of stuff- decided to become a minimalist and got rid of all their belongings. Moving to a minimalist lifestyle can be visually extreme- which makes it all the more satisfying to watch.

We are in an age where it’s possible to live a minimalist life easily: It is achievable for anyone who wants to pursue it because of technology. If you don’t want to own any DVDs, CDs, records or books- you no longer have to because you can have it all at your fingertips on a digital device. When people see the realistic possibilities that are available to them- it gets them in the mood to declutter.

Life is crowded enough: Minimalism is needed more than ever even if people don’t like to admit it. We need our private spaces to be clear and clutter free because the outside world is so full of noise, information, people, demands, responsibilities and deadlines. When we set foot through our front door we need to be greeted by calm and more and more people are realising this by the day.

Mobile generation: More people are choosing to travel now than ever before. It’s no longer the norm to settle down straight after university but to travel instead or take a gap year in between. People move house far more than they used to and with these mobile lifestyles comes the desire for less to ease the transition.

Decluttering is addictive: The precursor to minimalism is of course decluttering and if you’ve ever tried it- you will know how much momentum it can gain once you get going. It all starts with your sock drawer then before you know it you are counting the total amount of possessions you own.

People are realising the value of experiences again: We have done a complete 180- people used to value experiences because there was less money around and no gadgets to fuel their fun. Once people get bored of the five-minute wonders that are on offer today- they realise that people of years gone by had it exactly right. It’s the people who matter and the experiences you share with them that count- not the stuff.

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