Jordan is a fan of Botox to keep her forehead looking smooth

Jordan is a fan of Botox to keep her forehead looking smooth

Botox injections may be loved by celebs like Jordan and Terri Hatcher but the thought of them would have some of us breaking out in cold sweats. Research has found though that Botox might actually be the key to making you happier.

A study found that our facial expressions can affect our moods so frowning can add to our irritation, the Daily Mail reports. As Botox freezes the muscles used to frown you have no option to so you stop feeling irritated.

Researcher Dr Michael Lewis told the paper: "When you make an expression of happiness, it makes us feel happy. If we frown, it makes us feel sadder."

Psychologists at Cardiff University looked at the effects of cosmetic treatments on the mood of volunteers. Some had Botox, others had laser surgery, cosmetic peels and other treatments designed to make them appear younger.

All participants found their treatment effective but those given Botox were much happier, feeling less anxious, irritable or depressed.

Dr Lewis said the difference in moods was too much to be explained by Botox users being just happier in general and was more likely to be a side-effect of the treatment.

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