Watercress, Orange and Carrot Smoothie
Serves 1
Prep: 5 mins
Cooking: none
Per serving: 112 calories, 1.0g fat, 0.0g saturated fat, 22.4g carbohydrate, 4.8g protein, 2.4g fibre, 0.84g salt.

1 (85g) bag watercress
150ml/1/4 pt fresh orange juice
100ml/4floz tomato juice
2 carrots, peeled and grated
dash of Tabasco sauce (optional)
salt and ground black pepper
carrot stick and watercress to garnish

1. Process the watercress and carrots in a liquidiser or blender. Place in a jug, stir in the orange and tomato juices, add a dash of Tabasco sauce if liked and season to taste.
2. Pour into a tall glass and garnish with carrot stick and watercress if liked.

Grilled Mackerel with Carrots and Cucumber Salad
Preparation: 5mins plus marinating time
Cooking: 6-8mins
Serves 4
Per serving: 364 calories, 24.4g fat, 5g saturates, 6.5g sugars, 1.02g salt

225g/8oz cucumber
225g/8oz carrots, peeled
3 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
juice of 1 lime
1 tbsp Thai fish sauce
1 tsp caster sugar
4 mackerel, filleted

1. Cut the cucumber in half lengthways, then use a teaspoon to remove the seeds. Use the thin slicer blade on the side of a cheese grater to finely slice the cucumber and carrots (alternatively very finely slice them with a knife).
2. Place in a bowl, add the coriander, lime juice, fish sauce and sugar then mix well. Leave to marinate for at least 10mins.
3. Preheat the grill to high. Line a grill rack with foil. Season the mackerel fillets on both sides then place skin side up on the rack. Grill for 6-8mins or until the skin is crisp and the flesh flakes easily. Divide the salad between four plates, place 2 fillets on top of each and decorate with watercress. Serve with new potatoes if liked.

Carrot and Beetroot Salad
This easy peasey salad is so colourful and crunchy and what’s more it’s bursting with carotenoids, great for summer skin, with an anti-oxidant effect. Serve it at barbecues with fish or grilled meats.

Preparation: 10mins
Cooking: none
Serves 4
Per serving: 121 calories, 6.2g fat, 0.8g saturates, 12.8g sugars, 0.21g salt

350g/12oz carrots, peeled and trimmed
350g/12oz raw beetroot, peeled and trimmed
2 shallots, peeled and finely chopped
2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 small bunch flat parsley, roughly chopped

1. Peel and trim the carrots and beetroot, then coarsely grate both on a grater – wear rubber gloves if you don’t want pink hands! Alternatively, use a food processor fitted with a grating plat. Place the grated vegetables in a bowl, add the shallots.
2. Heat the cumin seeds in small pan until they are hot and smell pungent. Remove from the heat and scatter over the vegetables. Add the olive oil, vinegar and parsley, then toss well. Leave to marinate for at least 15mins before serving.