Cutting dairy products such as milk can help your detox

Cutting dairy products such as milk can help your detox

After over indulging at those office Christmas parties, over the past few weeks, we bet you're feeling a tiny bit weak and sluggish, not to mention exhausted at the minute.

Well, don't panic because FemaleFirst is on hand to get you back to your best, with the help of some festive detox plans and helpful hints on feeling great this Christmas

Today we will look at the benefits of cutting or reducing dairy from your diet.

There has been research suggesting that dairy is responsible for weight gain and heart problems. This is because dairy products tend to have a high calorie count and fat content.

Dairy products are thought to put extra pressure on the liver, and can also lead to stomach upsets in lactose intolerant people.

If you don't want to cut out dairy completely, as it does have some nutritional benefits then there are low fat versions of yoghurt and cheese available.

You can also get your calcium intake from supplements and vegetables instead of dairy.

Try it for a few weeks and see how much better you feel.

FemaleFirst - Jessica Watson