Sue Moxley has worked in the beauty industry for years

Sue Moxley has worked in the beauty industry for years

We're getting ready for the party season, what beauty look will you be wearing? Any tips on how we can achieve this look?

I’m really in to red lips this season but they must be matte   -    I haven’t worn red for years it takes courage and you have to take it easy on the eye makeup.

Ditch the smokey eye for a neutral shadow, but you can still wear some lashes with a touch of brown liner.

Line your lips carefully with a red liner – you can use the liner all over the mouth for the matte look and add a touch of lip balm for moisture. If not She Uemura have great matte lipsticks.

What trends are you predicting for beauty in the New Year?

The smokey eye is still in as well as I think this will continue in the New Year. Come Spring, green and aubergine shadows are going to be big and peach and pink blusher – bronzer won’t rear its head until summer.

What's your go-to beauty tip if you're not feeling particularly great about yourself?

I must admit I’m a fake tanner. A lady comes and sprays me at my house, it’s very hard to do yourself even if you are an expert - I mean who can reach between their shoulders!  Even with a spray can it is difficult. A tan makes me feel so much better slimmer and healthy eye drops are a good pick me up too and maybe buy a new mascara. Sleep is a good one, get lots of sleep so your body can repair itself.

How does your beauty regime change in the winter? What other things might you be doing, or not doing?

It’s probably just as important if not more to use lots of moisturiser in winter skin can get dry from the harsh cold days and central heating dehydrates the skin. So I use lots of moisturiser, but make sure you use an eye cream for the eye area; too much heavy moisturiser under the eyes can drag the delicate skin and cause puffiness. Eye cream is much lighter.  

What three beauty products should women not live without?

Moisturiser with an SPF, mascara and a cheek colour that can double up as a lipstick.

What is your ultimate beauty tip?

My ultimate beauty tip is too not smoke. Not only does it ruin your health it dehydrates your skin and will give you premature wrinkles. Alcohol also does this so take it easy if you drink and try to drink water with it.

You've worked with some big celebrities, who would you say has the best skin? Who could do with an overhaul on their skin?

Most celebs really look after themselves. Britt Ekland had amazing skin for her age. I think there’s a certain person in Loose Women could do with a complete makeover but I’m not mentioning names what do you think?? haha  

How did you FAMOUS range come about, is it something that you've always wanted to do?

One of my friends in PR and I were talking about having a range; it’s every makeup artists dream, we decided to give it a go but it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and we made many mistakes. It took two years to launch it - and another three years to make the business run smoothly. We have learnt a lot, it was only yesterday I said to her do you realise we had a dream and we made it a reality.

I love your nail varnishes, I've actually got one on now, what's your favourite product from the range?

I’m glad you like our varnish, it is really good quality but with an affordable price. I think our shimmer bricks are fabulous - but probably my top product are our eye shadows; we put extra oils in to the shadow and less talc so the pigment is amazing.

TOWIE's Gemma Collins has just become the face of your new Pro Tools range, why did you choose her?

I think Gemma represents the normal woman we are always trying to obtain the unachievable with our looks - and women are under so much pressure to look a certain way. Gemma is beautiful but approachable and normal girls feel at ease with her.

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