How long do you spend on your beauty routine?

How long do you spend on your beauty routine?

Getting ready for the day or an evening out can take time, but how long does your beauty prep actually take?

A quarter of British women are spending 20–45 minutes per day, equating to 21 hours per month, on their beauty regime according to new research by Seven Seas ilumina skin nutrition.

But all this attention to grooming does not come cheap with the majority of women spending up to £100 per month on hair, skin and nails maintenance such as facials, manicures and treatments.

Despite the time and money women invest in their appearance; over one fifth admit they have cancelled a social occasion because of a bad hair or skin day.

However whilst women are concerned with aesthetics and concentrating their beauty efforts on the outside, it appears we need to be thinking about taking care of beauty from within. Seven out of ten women have not considered vitamin supplements to help take care of their appearance from the inside, even though they can help with factors such as nail growth, skin and hair condition. Taking a holistic approach to beauty, concentrating on the base of your beauty regime and achieving healthy skin through nutrition, is the key to a natural glowing appearance.

Celebrity facialist Nuz Shugaa comments: ‘I tell all of my clients that a beautiful appearance must start from within. Women spend a significant amount of time and money on taking care of their appearance from the outside, but many don’t consider that by nourishing your body from the inside you can achieve a natural glowing appearance.

Thanks to social media, women of today feel pressure to always be ‘camera ready’. Rather than a last minute cover up, women should be concentrating on upgrading their everyday beauty essentials to improve the base of their beauty regime. Ingredients such as Vitamin C and E can improve the texture and tone of skin. These ingredients also help keep nails strong and hair looking healthy. Copper helps maintain normal skin pigmentation whilst zinc has an antioxidant effect, lessening the effect of free radical damage. Beauty is all about looking and feeling healthy. I believe nothing is more beautiful than healthy glow.

The findings also reveal today’s beauty aspirations with Kate Middleton topping the list of celebrities British women most admire for their beautiful skin, followed by Helen Mirren, Holly Willoughby and Gwyneth Paltrow – all known for their naturally beautiful appearance.

The research shows beauty is on our mind everyday with almost a quarter of women choosing to invest in everyday beauty essentials as opposed to splurging a few times a year on birthdays or a wedding.

Toners and moisturisers are essential for the top outer layer of your skin. However beauty experts agree that truly smooth, radiant, plump skin must start from within.

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