Does your hair need some TLC?

Does your hair need some TLC?

Straightners, tongs, hair dryers, hair dye - our hair goes through a lot and according to new research, today is the date that we're most in need of some hair TLC.

Charles Worthington have found a massive 35 per cent rise int he amount of hair treatments sold on this day in comparison to any other in the year.

The combination of harsh winter weather and people receiving their first pay cheque of the year means that they will be dashing to the shops in their thousands to find a hair repair solution; and with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, preparations to look glamorously groomed make this a key time of year for hair treatments.

"The early part of the year is a great time to focus on improving the texture and health of your hair as it’s likely to be damaged from the winter weather and over-styling during the party season," says March Trinder, creative manager for Charles Worthington salons.

"Damaged hair is more prone to splitting, tangling and breakage so it’s important to seal as much moisture into the hair as possible to keep it healthy and looking glossy.

"And don’t sacrifice your regular trips to the salon for a trim, as getting rid of dry ends really helps to maintain the condition of your hair."

As January comes to a close, it’s clear the nation still has de-toxing and repair front of mind. 

Charles Worthington says: "So many women turn their attention to hair repair at this time of year due to the harsh winter weather and the over-styling their hair has undergone during the festive period. January is always a lean month money wise after all that Christmas spending, so this is the first real chance to splash out and treat yourself in the New Year.  I have created Salon at Home Strength & Repair especially so you can easily achieve fabulous looking hair at home and therefore keeping it in tip-top condition in-between your salon visits.’

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