Get silky smooth legs with these tips

Get silky smooth legs with these tips

How do you get the perfect shave?

Shaving technique is important, but there’s more to achieving soft, smooth, hair-free skin than a few strokes with a razor. What you do before and after the shave is just as important.

Nathalie Eleni, Venus & Braun Beauty Therapist, shares her expert beauty tips on how to get the perfect shave. 

1. Shower or bathe before you shave to remove natural oils and perspiration and hydrate hair, which makes it up to 60% easier to cut. 2-3 minutes is optimum soaking time (after 15 or 20 minutes, water causes your skin to wrinkle and swell slightly, resulting in a shave that’s not as close as you’d like).

2.  Apply an ample amount of moisture-rich shave gel before shaving to help keep water in the hair and to ensure the razor glides easily over skin. Don’t rely on soap to prepare skin — it may clog the razor during shaving. In addition, many soaps cause dryness and flaking.

3. Choose your razor wisely. It is important to choose a razor that is properly equipped for the job. Venus offers a complete portfolio of razors to meet every woman’s shaving needs. Each blade individually adjusts to stay in contact with the skin, even around such tricky shaving areas as the knees and the ankles. The innovative Soft Grip gel handle provides increased shave control when wet. I never go anywhere without my Venus Embrace. It has 5 curve-hugging blades which adjust to the natural contours and curves of my body for the perfect shave!

4. Shave with a fresh blade. Fresh blades provide a closer, smoother, more comfortable shave and can help prevent cuts and irritation. Women should replace blades at the first sign of dullness or discomfort, and because hair growth can vary dramatically depending on the person, you are the best judge. On average, women replace blades after about 10 shaves.

5. Use a light touch, exerting as little pressure as possible, and shave in the direction that feels most comfortable. Re-lather before shaving the bikini and other sensitive areas

6. Leave hard-to-shave spots for last. The backs of knees and thighs, and areas like ankles, where the bone is close to the skin surface, are often difficult to shave. However, all Venus razors feature an oval-shaped cartridge that maximizes manoeuvrability in and around these hard to shave areas.

7. Rinse skin thoroughly after shaving, and then pat skin dry. Don’t rub skin harshly and don’t dry off completely. The extra water on your body will be sealed in as you apply moisturiser, helping to eliminate dry, flaky skin, especially on freshly shaved legs so you can achieve a healthy goddess glow.

How do you avoid red bumps and nicks when shaving?

Use plenty of lubrication to aid your shave and help prevent drag across the skin – Venus do great razors with built-in shave gel bars or you can use a separate SatinCare shave gel if you prefer. I love SatinCare Pure & Delicate which is specifically designed for sensitive skin to enhance glide and protect against nicks and cuts.

Also, try not to apply too much pressure when shaving – a Venus razor is designed to glide with minimum effort over the skin’s surface leaving smooth, silky skin.

How do I deal with ingrown hairs?

The condition of skin and hair play an important role when it comes to ingrown hairs.  Ingrown hairs occur where hair pierces the follicle wall growing into the surrounding skin. The follicular opening can become clogged with a build-up of skin cells which then trap the hair, impeding its natural progress out of the skin. Gently exfoliating skin is the best way to prevent these as the gentle scrubbing action removes the upper skin layer and hair can get through to the skin surface.

How should I care for/maintain my razor for best results?

Always store your razor in an upright position and somewhere dry. This means bacteria won’t get to your razor and the blades won’t blunt in damp conditions.  After each shave, simply rinse and air-dry your razor. Regular rinsing will help prevent your razor from becoming clogged.

What do you recommend for longer term investments?

Epilators are capable of removing hairs as short as 0.5mm which is almost comparable to 2 days without shaving. Waxing usually requires at least a length of 2mm, which compares to one week without shaving. This makes epilators one of the few hair removal options that remove at the root without the re-growth wait – ideal for the summer months when you don’t want to cover up your legs.

Modern epilators have progressed hugely from the first models. The technology in the newer models helps reduce discomfort and produces higher efficiency. Some epilators such as those in the Braun Silk-épil 7 range can now be used in water as well as dry, so you can epilate in the shower or bath, which is not only super convenient but can also be less painful. 

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