Guests on the popular tv show Celebrity Big Brother’s Big Mouth - headed up by kooky comedian Russell Brand - have been quaffing a new brand of mineral water in the show’s Green Room.

With mineral water the new musthave accessory, Suio Water (pronounced Soo-ee-oh) has knocked last year’s celebrity favourite “Fiji Water” off the throne. Suio was chosen for the BBBM Green Room for its elegant glass bottle and because it is drawn from protected agricultural lands from a mountain source near Rome. It also contains high levels of calcium and magnesium, both minerals that are considered to beneficial for digestion.

Low nitrates good for expectant mums

Guests on the show - ranging from the newly crowned King of the Jungle Matt Willis to expectant mum Loose Woman Kaye Adams - will have been sipping Suio backstage.

The natural mineral water – bottled in Italy – is particularly suitable for mums-to-be as it is low in sodium and contains zero nitrates. In high quantities, nitrates pose a danger for unborn and newborn children, as their digestive systems are not sufficiently mature to deal with them. The chemicals are able to inhibit the blood from carrying oxygen as effectively as it should and so could generate problems with brain development.

Paolo Nutini drinks Suio

Suio Water has also been seen in the hands of Scots pop cutie Paolo Nutini during recent gigs in Glasgow, as well as on screen in Italian mobster soap The Sopranos. The exclusive water is currently only available from its Italian source but will be appearing soon in selected Sainsburys stores.

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