The Original Coco Chanel

The Original Coco Chanel

It's tipped to be the fashion movie event of the year, but that hasn't stopped some promotional posters from 'Coco Avec Chanel' causing some trouble in Paris.

According to the Telegraph, a poster was banned from advertising the film on all the city's buses and trains, because Audrey Tautou is pictured smoking a cigarette.

Considering the real-life Coco smoked like a chimney, you would have thought this was just many of the accuracies the film had observed, but no, it has apparently caused offence.

Metrobus have reportedly demanded that a new poster, which includes Tautou standing next to the male lead, sans cigarette be used instead.

Luckily, it appears that we aren't the only ones who think this is just plain idiotic, as France's health minister has apparently blasted it as ridiculous too.

Hurrah, with that little hiccup over, we can get back to counting down the days until the fashion-filled film hits the UK...

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