Gaga gets back at Gunn...

Gaga gets back at Gunn...

Commenting on the fashion sense of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Gunn made some critical if not a little sexist remarks that have upset many, including the FCAD's Fashion Icon, Lady Gaga.

Gunn said to Lopez: "She's the secretary of state…why must she dress that way? I think she's confused about her gender, all these big, baggy, menswear, tailored pantsuit.

He was met by boos from the Lopez Tonight audience to which he retorted: "No, I'm really serious. She wears pantsuits that are unflattering.

"I have great respect for her intellect and for her tenacity, and for what she does for our country in her governmental role. I just wish she could send a stronger message about American fashion."

Appearing on The View, Gaga made her feelings about Gunn perfectly clear: "He's being a bully, I think.

"He's being a bully. I think Hillary Clinton has more important things to think about than her hemline."

Her statement was met with a rousing applause from the audience to which Gaga added a more lighthearted: "I certainly don't," she joked. "I certainly only care about my hemline."

Let's hope that Gunn doesn't go after Gaga next, otherwise he'll have a few million mosters who would love to get their paws on him!

FemaleFirst Jenna Fordie

Twitter @Jenna_FAM

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