Priyanka Chopra believes her lips are her most "prominent feature".

Priyanka Chopra

Priyanka Chopra

The 34-year-old actress prides herself with having a full pout, and the 'Quantico' star has revealed she makes a home-made lip scrub made of sea salt and rose water to help exfoliate, moisturise and plump her assets.

Speaking about her skincare treatments she swears by in a video with, the brunette beauty said: "This has been taught to us by our mums and our grand-mums.

"Masks I have learnt from my mum, my grandmother. Women in India tend to use natural products.

"The lip scrub, as you can tell my lips are one of my more prominent features. Take a little sea salt, depending on the size of your lips, add a little vegetable glycerine and rose water and rub."

The star has revealed she also makes her own body scrub, which include her "magic ingredient" sandalwood powder and turmeric, although she has warned it may change the colour of the skin if too much is used.

Speaking about the product, she said: "So this is a bodyscrub. It's an exfoliator, hydrator, moisturiser, it heals, but please try it on your hand to see if you're allergic or not. [You need] one cup of gram flour, then yoghurt, not flavoured, plain, mix it into a paste with a little bit of lemon juice ... if it's bad add a little bit of milk to it. Now the magic ingredient ... sandal wood powder. It works for everything is turmeric. It may give you a little yellow-ish hue, so be careful how much you put in. If you have an oily skin used low fat yoghurt. The idea of it is to let it dry then scrub it off, and then you shower and get rid of any excess on your hand.

"It really soothes - I've taught it to a lot of my friends."

"Women in India [tend to] use natural products. It really does work for me."

And Priyanka has revealed she relies on scented moisturisers instead of perfumes to leave her smelling "really nice".

She explained: "I love moisturizers that smell really nice, because then you don't need perfume - you just walk out like your own garden. I'm a big believer in the fact that if you can walk out the door with no foundation, you know you're at your beauty best."

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