It seems men don't care what we wear

It seems men don't care what we wear

Despite the fact we spend over £80,000 on clothes in our lifetime, it seems we needn’t bother as half of men aren’t bothered about their partner or dates’ dress sense.

And whilst men might not care, women do.

The survey also found that 70% of women want their man to dress a certain way, suggesting that dress code is a lot higher on the agenda for the female population when it comes to dating men.

When asked how they’d want their ideal man to dress on a date, the most popular response from women was ‘smart-casual with a hint of designer trend’; this was closely followed by ‘fully suited and booted with shirt and tie. However, not wanting to be outdone in the fashion stakes, only 6% of women would want their man to be super-cool and on-trend, in fact they’d rather they wore whatever they fell into than go the whole hog on the off-putting ‘too cool for school’ look.

On the flipside, when asked what their ideal woman would be wearing on a date the most popular response from the remaining 50% of men (who were bothered), was the glamour stereotype ‘sexy look, low cut top, heels’; and at the bottom of the clothing pile - only 3% of men would prefer a woman power-dressed in a smart suit.

Student entrepreneur and fashion enthusiast Toby Brand, who is founder of new fashion firm BR4ND, who commissioned the research, said, “This new research reveals that half of men in the UK aren’t too interested in what their date wears; the big question is why? Is it because men are from Mars and women are from Venus and we simply have to accept that, or do we just need to inject a little more fun, originality and excitement back into the world of fashion but at a level at which people can afford, appreciate and be inspired by?”

Brand continued: “The survey findings also revealed a whole host of other responses from women on the fashion stakes for men including a number of references to men needing to be ‘clean and tidy’, not too obsessed by their looks and unpretentious.  For men, the reverse; many would prefer their date to be simply naked, wearing only underwear or my own personal favourite, dressed in a gorilla outfit (yes, thankfully only one person cited this as their preference!)”

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