We have already covered how to reset for the week in a previous article, but it’s important to have a reset each day too. Here are just some of the things you can do to help you clear away the current day’s tasks in readiness for the next 24 hours.

Make a list- preferably not on your hand!

Make a list- preferably not on your hand!


Make sure it’s all washed and dried, ironed and put away so that you don’t have any part of the process to do the next day. Once you get up you can concentrate on the next load because there is always more laundry to be done!


All dishes should ideally be washed, dried and put away or the dishwasher should be emptied before you go to bed. No one wants to wake up to dirty dishes- all you want to do when you enter your kitchen of a morning is to get your breakfast ready and eat it. While you’re on, give your kitchen floor a sweep and clean the countertops. Doing this daily means you won’t have the huge task of cleaning it once a week.

Make tomorrow’s lunches

If some or all of you need packed lunches- prepare them the night before. If you sleep in or get side-tracked with something else on a morning- everyone will still get something to eat at lunchtime because you can just grab and go.

Do a sweep of the house

Before you get into bed- do a quick tidy off all the rooms in your home. You’re not expected to do a deep clean- just make sure that everything is back in its rightful place. Your family will know where to find items if they all have a home.

Make a list

A weekly list is important, but a daily list is vital. Write down everything you want to achieve tomorrow- even the little things like washing and drying your clothes, cleaning a room of the house, posting a letter, getting milk- whatever it might be- write it down and tick each thing off as you complete it. This is even more valuable if you are trying to start a new habit or reach a personal goal.

Make everyone aware of what’s to come

Go over the list with whoever needs to know. Read through it with your partner so you are on the same page. If your kids are old enough- talk them through what’s happening after school. If you are spending time with people you don’t live with- send a text message confirming your plans so you know exactly where you will be at what time.

Take a moment for yourself

Now that everything is taken care of, do something that is just for you. Whatever you love to do when the kids are in bed or your partner is doing their own thing- now is the time to enjoy. Read some of your book, do a puzzle, write in your journal or watch your favourite show on TV.


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