If you are going to move house in the near future, this is the perfect time to declutter the things that no longer serve you. If you are unsure where to start- here are some tips to get things in motion. 

Minimalism on Female First

Minimalism on Female First

Start early: As soon as you know you are moving- begin the process. It’s a big job and doing this all at once will be too overwhelming, especially if you know you want to use this life change as an opportunity to declutter. So, as soon as the estate agents and the solicitors start the ball rolling this is your cue to begin your downsizing process so get the boxes, labels and markers at the ready. 

Begin with what you use the least: Start with the garage, the attic or the basement- things you use rarely such as Christmas decorations, tools or holiday items. Chances are you won’t need these pieces between now and when you move so if you sort them and pack them for the journey, after you’ve pared them down, you can rest assured that you won’t have to go hunting for anything in between. Plus, once you’ve boxed up what you’re keeping- they won’t get in your way as you can put them back into your storage areas until the big day. 

Sell anything before you move: If you spot any bigger things like furniture, electricals or bulk items that you want to get rid of- sell them before you go. You don’t need the hassle of moving them yourself only to sell them at your new home and risk damaging them in transit. Similarly, if any of your family and/or friends want anything, ask them to pick up the item before your moving van arrives so it’s one less thing to worry about. 

Make regular trips to donation centres, tips and to recycling centres: Don’t leave whatever you want to discard until the last minute. Tackle an area, remove the items you no longer want and then move onto the next one. The last thing you need is to have to take unwanted things with you to your new home because you didn’t leave enough time to redistribute the items. 

Remember every item takes energy: With every item you pack- remember the time and effort that is required to get this belonging from your old place to your new one. Is this piece really worth it? Can you be bothered to bring it along? If not, then you know it’s time to part ways with whatever it is.

Pack the items you are keeping methodically and carefully: The items you are left with should be those you really treasure and use often- pieces that have value to you. So wrap the delicate things in bubble wrap, choose and pack your boxes well and remember to label everything. You will thank yourself at the other end. This is another great way to tease out the last few things that have little meaning to you. If you don’t care about them enough to pack them carefully away, then you might not like them as much as you thought you did. If this is the case, dispose of them while you still can. 

Make a list of things that can go once the movie is over: You may keep a few items because they are useful for your move but you will have no need for once you’re settled. Things like old suitcases for packing your clothes in, cardboard boxes that certain electrical items came in like TVs and computers and plastic boxes that are cracked put are still good to transport things in. Make a note of anything that falls into these categories, so once you’re in and unpacked, you know you can remove these items before they get absorbed into your new space.

Happy decluttering and best of luck in your new home!  

MORE: For more articles on minimalism click HERE 

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