Can you tell someone’s marital status from the car they drive?

Well one insurance company thinks you can and through thier survey of over 400,000 British motorists, found that the colour of car they drive could be an indication of whether they are single or married.

Although blue is the most popular colour across the board, single motorists are over 8 times more likely to drive a white car, compared with married people. Single people also like the ‘va-va-voom’ of the Renault Clio, which is 77% more popular with single drivers than married ones.

Married people prefer silver cars, with 22% of all married people choosing one, while drivers cohabiting with a partner tend to choose black cars. 16% of all cohabiting drivers have a car this colour, compared to just 14% of married people.

Research also showed that drivers with children choose different coloured cars than those without kids. Motorists without children prefer black and red cars, whilst those with children prefer blue, green or silver.

Well this is quite spooky as my first ever car was dear old Emma, a Morris Traveller - in white, followed by my beloved MBG GT - in black! When I met my husband to be he drove VW Golf in - black. We did not buy a car together when first married as we both had our own, but when the children came along we brought people carrier - in blue, then an MPV - oh no - in blue!

There’s me thinking I was never a statistic

Jackie Violet