There are some myths about the new hands free law coming in on Feb 27th so I have devised a few guidelines, which I hope will help. You can use the hand free mobile whilst driving only if operated without physically holding the phone.

Therefore invest in a cradle attached to the dashboard. Pushing buttons is permissible.

But, if the police stop you and you are using a hands-free phone while driving, you can face prosecution under other motoring laws. The police can charge you with driving without due care and attention, not are in proper control of the vehicle or even dangerous driving. If there is an accident and you are using a phone you may well be charged with these offences. If someone is killed in an accident where any part of the phone is being used, the driver will almost certainly go to jail.

You can push buttons on the phone while it is in a cradle or on the steering wheel but please do not attempt to text or access the Internet.

So the question on everyone’s lips is "Why not ban hands-free mobiles as well? The answer is we are living in such world whereby we all believe ourselves to be utterly indispensable and the mere thought of not being able to be contactable or be contacted simply does not equate.

What a sad sad world we have come to live in.

Jackie Violet