New research from Halifax Estate Agents reveals that Brits are very particular about their parking space. More than one in ten people (13%) admit to having tried to stop someone from parking outside their property. With three quarters of households now owning at least one car1, neighbourly arguments over parking look set to continue.

Northerners more protective about their parking
It seems those living in the North of England are more protective about their parking space with one in five (20%) claiming to have tried to stop someone from parking outside their home. Scotland and Wales are apparently less worried about this issue with less than one in twenty (4%) admitting to a dispute.

Preventative Parking Measures
It seems that some of us would go to any lengths to stop other people parking outside our property. However, many of us are quite reasonable opting to talk things over with the most popular measure being to talk to the perpetrator (79%).

Gender differences
Women are more likely to speak to the person concerned with more than four in five females (83%) stating this as their preferred method of tackling the problem compared to three in four men (76%). Men however, are more likely to leave a note on the vehicle with more than a third (36%) using this means compared to just one in five women (21%).

Other preventative tactics
Other preventive tactics included:
Put a 'No Parking' sign
Put out cones
Reported them to the police or local council
Wrote a letter to them
Left work early to get home before them

Parking Law
The Highway Code states 'DO NOT park your vehicle or trailer on the road where it would endanger, inconvenience or obstruct pedestrians or other road users. For example, do not stop… in front of an entrance to a property '.

All residents have a right of access to their drive or garage and both the police and local authorities have the power to remove any vehicles which are illegally parked including those causing an obstruction or impeding access. It is also important to remember that residents do not have an automatic entitlement to a parking space on a public road unless local parking laws dispense this privilege. More/….

Colin Kemp, managing director of Halifax Estate Agents, commented;

"Our research shows that people can be quite protective of their parking areas. If your property does not have adequate allocated parking space, take some care and consideration for others when parking your vehicle as this can prevent any issues from arising."