One third of shoppers would drive to a different town or city centre to shop if a £5 congestion charge were introduced, according to the RAC Foundation’s director speaking at the Association of Town Centre Management annual conference

The report reveals opinion data from GfK/NOP showing that shoppers are very cautious about road pricing schemes being considered by several towns and cities as part of the Government’s Transport Innovation Fund.

The RAC Foundation survey showed: 31% would drive to a different destination if a £5 charge were introduced to drive into their local town or city centre shops, 27% would choose to travel by different means and 21% would make the journey less often.

With more outrageous fines being put upon the motorist deterring him/her to even go and shop for the weekly food, its not surprising people are tuning to the Internet and consequently the home deliveries are increasing.

But I do feel for those smaller local shopkeepers in the towns trying to make an honest living and keep alive the small businesses that make or break a town’s atmosphere. First their customers have been lured away by the giant supermarkets now it looks like they could be further penalised as thier dwindling customers get hit on by potentially damaging congestion fines.

Jackie Violet