UK men spend more time buffing their bonnets than pampering their partners.

This is according to research from fish4cars that reveals one in three men spend almost £20,000 on extras for their cars such as spoilers, alloys and snazzy wing mirrors across their lifetime.

Nearly half (44%) of those surveyed admit to giving their vehicle some TLC over the past fortnight, with one in five spending more than two hours scrubbing, rinsing and polishing their pride and joy.

Annoyingly, one in 10 British men confess that they have never shown the same attention to their partners and almost 40% claim not to have bought their partner a present for over a month. Oh, this is sad, very sad indeed you poor blokes.

The fish4cars research, also reveals the UK’s deepest car fantasies with 28% of the men surveyed dream of owning an Aston Martin and 21% fantasise about lazy afternoons spent zooming around quiet country lanes with the window down, blaring their music loudly. Thanks guys, decimating our tranquil villages with your decibels.

The male car fantasy continues with 29% of men fantasising about having an amorous encounter behind the wheel of a car – What? and 21% daydreaming of racing other cars along winding roads. Oh this just gets worse!

I do feel for their mentality at times, thanks goodness we females have more of a purpose to our lives.

FemaleFirst - Jackie Violet