British summer time begins on Sunday March 25 and road safety champion GEM Motoring Assist is renewing its campaign to force the government to make it the last time clocks are altered.

With the tough message: “Hey Minister, leave those clocks alone," GEM, says British Summer Time (BST) should be the order of the day the whole year round.

This is because hundreds more accidents occur on dark and dangerous winter afternoons, and it has a particularly disastrous impact on youngsters leaving school yet the problem is easy to solve.

When keeping BST was debated in The House a few weeks ago the vote to make summer time last for twelve months gained a favourable majority but not enough MPs had turned up to make it law. That just shows how little our elected members care about the road safety of our children as research has clearly shown that to maintain BST during the winter months would save around 100 lives and 400 serious injuries each and every year.

GEM, has its own symbolic clock that is never altered from BST and is a poignant reminder all year round of those who have lost their lives on gloomy winter afternoons.

This really could be our wake up call.

Jackie Violet