The Highways Agency has launched a new DVD to encourage drivers to leave a safe distance between vehicles.

'Don't Be A Fool', presented by BBC Newsreader Sophie Raworth, educates drivers about the dangers of being too close to the vehicle in front.

Following too close is a factor in one third of road accidents, according to the Highways Agency. Drivers are encouraged to use the 'Two Second Rule' to measure the distance between themselves and the vehicle in front.

To check your distance, choose a point in front of you, such as a bridge or a road sign, and when the vehicle in front passes it, start to repeat at the sentence "Only a fool breaks the two second rule" or count out loud "One second, two seconds".

If you're at the correct distance, you're vehicle should pass the landmark only after you've finished speaking.

62 % of drivers claim to have been 'aggressively tailgated'; but only 6% say they have tailgated someone else while almost half of all motorists say that tailgaters are their biggest motorway fear.

Too right too, motorists are right to fear tailgaters who are putting their own lives and yours in danger.

I am just annoyed yet another ‘celebrity’ has been chosen to front this, while I have been campaigning about its dangers for ages.

Did they pick me to present? No and is not fair!

Jackie Violet