Calls by Parliament’s influential Transport Select Committee for Government action to stop the horrific young driver death toll have today been welcomed by national road safety charity Brake.

The Committee’s recommended changes to driver training and testing includes a minimum 12-month learner driver period; raising the age of driving unaccompanied to 18; a structured learning syllabus undertaken and examined by an Approved Driving Instructor; and better hazard perception training.

It also recommends the introduction of a 12-month period for newly-qualified drivers in which risks associated with young drivers are limited, including a zero alcohol limit and a prohibition on carrying passengers aged 10-20 years between 11pm and 5am.

Brake is also calling for additional restrictions on newly-qualified drivers during the 12-month period following their first test, including restrictions on driving larger engine size cars

Unaccompanied; a prohibition on carrying young passengers at any time of day or night unaccompanied; and a total curfew on night-time driving.

I know, I hear you cry, I have ranted about the inadequate driving test for ages, and yes you heard it first here, but if we don’t do something radical about the way these youngsters are simply given a licence to kill, these dreadful statistics will continue to grow.

Jackie Violet