

According to research by online car-buying guide,, a massive 87 % of drivers said they would gladly see all versions of the ‘sleeping policeman’ put to sleep permanently in order to avoid an average annual bill of £235.71, possible injury and even structural damage to their houses!

Speed humps were introduced in 1991 as a measure for controlling vehicle speeds, and the Government claims that for every 1mph decrease in speed; the chance of an accident reduces by 5 %.

But recent studies found that speed humps have caused injury to drivers, especially those with bone conditions such as osteoporosis, increased road noise and pollution levels and mechanical damage to vehicles with 1 in eight suffering from suspension damage.

The regulations state that humps cannot be sited within 25m of bridges, subways or tunnels because the impact of vehicles traversing them sends a shock wave through the ground. Depending on the weight of traffic and the proximity of buildings that could cause structural damage.

I don’t mind the humps as it forces you to slow down for whatever hazard is there and helps to avoid costly repair bills but it concerns me that they also slow down emergency vehicles which could be on a life threatening call out and often diverts heavy traffic on to less suitable roads, as motorists seek to avoid the discomfort of driving over them.

That’s what gives me the real hump.

FemaleFirst - Jackie Violet