A Night In The Woods

A Night In The Woods

An impressive horror/psychological thriller hybrid that pushes all the right fright buttons from the award-winning director of acclaimed indie Brit-flick 'South West 9'.

On what is intended to be a fun camping trip to investigate and to chill in the atmosphere of the legendary haunted past of Dartmoor’s Wistman’s Woods, Brody, his girlfriend Kerry and her cousin Leo very soon find themselves mysteriously ill at ease both with their surroundings and their companions.

Bad moods and minor disagreements rapidly lead to feelings of severe paranoia, sexual tension, fear and, eventually, violence between the three friends, a situation that worsens as the evening draws in.

At first, they suspect the conflicts are simply the result of being thrown together in the ancient, eerie surroundings, but as night closes upon them each begins to wonder if darker forces are at work.

Starring: Scoot McNairy, Anna Skellern, Andrew Hawley

A Night In The Woods is released 7th September