Saw VI

Saw VI

When it comes to a scary movie, chances are you’re unlikely to remember much about the good guy. Can anyone remember anything about the girl from Friday the 13th? Like, anything? The lasting, scorched-in-your-memory images from any decent horror film are bound to involve the villain.

To celebrate the release of Saw VI, released in cinemas nationwide October 23rd, we’re taking a look at the 10 most unforgettably evil characters to ever  give us nightmares.

Michael Myers (Halloween)

Sometimes less is more and when it comes to Michael Myers, the total lack of anything resembling humanity makes him all the more terrifying. Skulking through film after film, without a single word uttered, Myers has become the most enigmatic and unstoppable bad guy out there.

Defining Line:  (as spoken by Dr.Loomis) I spent eight years trying to reach him and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil

Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)

When you’re confronted by something terrifying, you’re usually able to seek sanctuary by closing your eyes. But back in 1984, the most dangerous place to be was in your mind.

A burnt-up child killer brought back to life through nightmares, Freddy Krueger used his grisly glove to tear apart various teens and deliver gleeful one-liners at the same time.

Defining Line: (as sang by local children) One, two, Freddy's coming for you. / Three, four, better lock your door. / Five, six, grab your crucifix. / Seven, eight, better stay awake. / Nine, ten, never sleep again.

Leatherface (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)

Providing a suitably ample reason for people to never leave the city, Leatherface and his inbred hick family perfectly embodied our fear of countryside folk. Terrorising kids in 1974 and 2003, he treated human flesh as if it were that of an animal and sliced and diced his way into our collective memory.

Defining Line: (as spoken by creepy old man) Those girls... those girls don't wanna go messin' round no old house!

Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)

Okay so in the original Friday, it was his creepy mum behind the killings but in the many, many sequels and the remake, Jason took centre-stage. A neglected kid who ‘drowned’ at Summer camp, he came back to life with a vengeance (and a hockey mask) to punish fun-loving camp counsellors who were too busy having sex and getting high to notice the increasing body count.

Defining Line: (as spoken by Mrs. Voorhees) Kill her, Mommy! Kill her! Don't let her get away, Mommy! Don't let her live!

Damien (The Omen)

Children are scary. Simple as that. They’re even scarier when they’re related to the devil. Damien, the iconic little adoptee from The Omen, scared his new family to death and set his sights on world domination. All this without being old enough to buy a beer.

Defining Line: (as spoken by a pre-suicide nanny) Look at me Damien! It’s all for you!

Candyman (Candyman)

Everyone loves sweets. Well except those with Type 1 diabetes perhaps. But in the surprisingly not-at-all-sweet 1992 shocker Candyman, the titular character used his hand-hook to inflict pain on those brave (or stupid) enough to say his name 5 times in a mirror. Oh and he tended to do this while covered in bees.

Defining Line: They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What's blood for, if not for shedding?

Hannibal Lector (The Silence of the Lambs)

Sometimes, there’s nothing scarier than intelligence. Especially when couples with a cannibalistic appetite for human flesh.

Supposedly just limiting himself to rude folk, Hannibal Lector still proved himself a consistently menacing presence to any of us with meat to spare. As polite as he’d be, it would still sting.

Defining Line: A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

Chucky (Child’s Play)

Most kids are generally scared that when they turn their backs, their toys come alive. Not in a fun Toy Story kinda way but in a ‘what if I fall asleep and wake up to my teddy holding a kitchen knife’ sort of thing.

Chucky, the ginger-haired blood with a thirst for blood, caused many a nightmare when he went on a rampage in the many Child’s Play movies. Don’t turn your back kids. Ever.

Defining Line: Hi, I'm Chucky, and I'm your friend till the end. Hidey-ho!

Norman Bates (Psycho)

Despite looking as if he would ‘never hurt a fly’, Norman Bates was in fact capable of a whole lot more. Dressing up as his dead mother and flipping between two personalities, he managed to make millions scared to take a shower. Worth noting, he’s been around longer than anyone else on the list.

Defining Line: She just goes a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?

Jigsaw (Saw)

Constricting a grand scheme of violence that would put the rest of this list to shame, Jigsaw’s motives are simple. Some people spend their lives wasting opportunities and he needs to make them appreciate things a bit more.

Even if it involves blood. A lot of blood.  Extra points for creating the black wig/pig’s head disguise - arguably one of the most terrifying horror outfits ever.

Defining Line: How much blood will you shed to stay alive?

Saw VI is released 23rd October

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