Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams

Actress: Michelle Williams

Age: 30

Role: Cindy Periera in Blue Valentine

Synopsis:  A complex portrait of a contemporary American marriage, "Blue Valentine" tells the story of David and Cindy, a couple who have been together for several years but who are at an impasse in their relationship.

While Cindy has blossomed into a woman with opportunities and options, David is still the same person he was when they met, and is unable to accept either Cindy's growth or his lack of it.

Innovatively structured, the narrative unfolds in two distinct time frames, juxtaposing scenes of first love and youthful sexuality, with those of disenchantment and discord.

Previous Golden Globe Wins:  The actress has never won a Golden Globe

Previous Golden Globe Nominations: She picked up a Best Supporting Actress nod in 2005 for her role in Brokeback Mountain.

Awards For Role: She was named Best Actress at the San Francisco Film Critics Circle Awards.

Critics: “Pulls no punches in terms of its heavy subject matter and boasts wonderful performances from stars Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams.” - Hollywood.Com

“Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling are both terrific as Cindy and Dean, brilliantly conveying both the early promise and excitement of new love and the frustration, misery and helplessness of a marriage coming to an end.” - View London

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

Other Nominees:

Jennifer Lawrence

Natalie Portman

Nicole Kidman

Halle Berry

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