Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer

Age: 80

Character: Leo Tolstoy in The Last Station

Film: Set in the last tumultuous years of famed Russian author Leo Tolstoy's life, centres on the battle for his soul waged by his wife Sofya Andreyevna and his leading disciple Vladimir Cherkov.

Torn between his professed doctrine of poverty and chastity and the reality of his enormous wealth, his thirteen children and a life of hedonism, Tolstoy makes a dramatic flight from his home.

Too ill to continue beyond the tiny rail station at Astapovo, he believes that he is dying alone, while over one hundred newspapermen camp outside awaiting hourly reports on his condition.

Previous Golden Globe Wins:  Plummer has no previous Golden Globe wins.

Previous Golden Globe Nominations:  He does have one other nomination for American Tragedy.

Awards/Nominations for Performance: Plummer has also been nominated for a Screen Actors Guild award for his role.

Critics:  “Plummer's work is not as outwardly showy as Mirren's but it is every bit its equal, and the great thing about "The Last Station" is the way these larger-than-life performances complement each other. “ - LA Times

“Plummer has been shamefully overlooked by Oscar voters during his four-decade film career. This might finally be the time for the Academy to make amends.

"He looks remarkably like the familiar photographs of the aging author, and he has the stature to play genius convincingly. But Plummer also captures the great man's frailties with self-deprecating humour.” - The Hollywood Reporter

“ A forcefully acted and peculiar emotional drama…” - Boston Globe

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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