Oh they were great; they were great I just had a blast working with them. You spend all day together for pretty much a year, a little big longer maybe, and if you didn’t like the people that you were working with it would be a pretty terrible experience.

We just got along right away and I think that we were because of the natural chemistry between the three of us.

- What was the casting process like?

The casting process was surprisingly as Chris was familiar with a movie I did and I guess he had this idea that he wanted us to wok together so we met, as I said I was a huge fan, it was love at first sight as we got on really well so it was a really quick casting experience.

- For most of the movie Percy, Grover and Annabeth are running around with a head of Uma Thurman so that must have been pretty surreal?

Oh it was fun! It was fun to play around to. We had Uma Thurman’s head with us all the time they had made a cast and mould of her face, it looked real it really did.

- This movie has really brought you to everyone’s attention so how are you dealing with all that?

You know what I don’t really receive as much attention a one would think I guess. When I’m working it’s definitely a little bit much   but it’s all for the show I guess and it’s all co-ordinated.

- You have also been labelled as a talent to keep an eye on does that put pressure on you or are you just flattered by the whole thing?

I’m just flattered by it it’s just so nice to hear it’s definitely flattering. It means a lot because it means that a lot of hard work has paid off but it’s only the beginning of where I want to be.

- You grew up in LA so have you always had the acting bug?

Yeah of course I have always been interested in movies and have always loved movies so I started because of my passion for movies in general. Growing up in Los Angeles it’s a pretty accessible place to give it a shot (laughs).

- How would you like to see your career develop over the next couple of years is there any particular path you would like to take or genres of movies that you would like to work on?

No, no nothing in particular it’s people that I want to work with and directors that I want to work with and definitely characters as well .Whether it’s a character that I could bring something to or a director I really appreciate and want to work with I just want to the movies that I want to do.

I would like to work with the likes of David Fincher, Wes Anderson, Michel Gondry, Spike Jonze I could name a whole bunch or people, off the top of my head thirty five to forty.

- Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief has been a huge success both here in the UK as well as in America so is a sequel a possibility?

I have heard nothing. I haven’t got any phone calls but I am signed on to do three so if I get the call I would love to repeat the good times.

-Finally what’s next for you, the Three Musketeers is on the horizon isn’t it?

Yeah I’m doing the Three Musketeers, I’m training for that right now, we will be filming pretty soon so I’m really excited about that because I have grown up watching those movies and I really love those movies.

We are adding a whole new element to in terms of the technology; we can really take you there in a way that hasn’t been done before.

Then I’m doing a movie called The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, it’s one of my favourite novels going up too, so it’s fun to be able to make these into films and the writer of the novel has penned the script and is also directing.

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is out on DVD now.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw


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