- Shia, as a young guy, do you appreciate Michael Bay’s taste in women?

I think there’s a common misconception about Michael Bay. Michael Bay makes movies mostly for Middle America. These same women can look very different under different lights with different hair and make-up.

He’s famous for filming women that way, just like he’s famous for filming explosions among other things and I think people appreciate it. I appreciate it, yeah. I haven’t seen any unattractive women in Michael Bay movies, extras included, ever.

- What kind of woman do you like?

Buff. Active lifestyles. Ferocious readers.

- Ferocious readers? Really?

And television personalities. If I could find that in one woman, I’d be married right now. Della Reese is the archetype. I don’t know if you have seen Touched by an Angel, but that woman is THE woman.

- If I see her, I’ll tell her.

Just give her a tickle. She knows how I feel.

- Were you surprised by the first Transformer’s success or did you know it would work?

Tranformers just by the name and the concept, I knew you’d have a lot of 1980s babies show up. Just out of pure nostalgia. So we were pretty safe going in. Michael had fears because he had just come off The Island.

Megan and I were like ‘This is crazy.’ We hadn’t been there yet in terms of size or scope. It was unlike anything we had done previously. The first time was like a free for all.

The second time, we weren’t jaded, but we were educated in what that robot was going to look like, how close it’s going to come to you and all that type of thing. You just have more knowledge of the process.

- So when you are shooting a scene with a Transformer, say Bumblebee, he is obviously not in the scene with you. They put him in later. What is there in its place to help you act out the scene?

You have nothing there. The first time we had a green ball on a pole. This time we didn’t. I’d ask Megan ‘Where are you looking? Right there? Okay.’

- What is happening with the next Indiana Jones movie?

I think they are still writing it.

- Thanks Shia.

No problem.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is released 30th November

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