

To Celebrate the release of Burn Notice Season 4 which EXPLODES onto DVD from 26th December 2011, we have compiled a list of who we think are the Top 5 sexiest Female detectives that have hit the big screen over the years...

Number 5 - Anne Parillaud as Nikita Taylor in La Femme Nikita, is a classic stylish spy in this 1990 classic.

Convicted Nikita is offered a way out of jail, by joining the secret services and undertakes a new identity as a stylish top secret spy. 

Number 4 - Angelina Jolie as Evelyn Salt in Salt . Evelyn plays a CIA agent who is highly respected by all, as a result has to take on a huge responsibility that could jeopardise her marriage.

Learning that Evelyn herself has to assassinate the Russian prime minster making Angelina a runaway detective.

Number 3 - Beyoncè Knowles stars as Foxy Cleopatra in the third sequel , 'Austin Powers:  Goldmember'.

Beyoncè doubles up as a smoking spy (as well as a hit performer) in Austin Powers: Goldmember (2002).

Number 2 - Anne Hathaway steps up the Sexiness in Get smart as Agent 99. Hathaway plays Steve Carell’s assistant in a government Spy agency.

When the headquarters are attacked, the chief decides to assign Maxwell (Steve Carell) as a spy and partners him up with Agent 99 (Hathaway).

Number 1 Barbara Bach starred in the 10th James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me as James’ love interest Anya Amasova.

Probably most famous for its’ epic ski chase with ski poles doubling up as guns, this is well worth a watch.

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