Indiana Jones & The Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Indiana Jones & The Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Not only did the eighties give birth to some iconic moments and movies but it also saw the start of an iconic franchise.

Of course I am talking about Indiana Jones as Raiders of the Lost Ark was released back in 1981 - hard to believe that it was thirty years old last year.

While my personal favourite is The Last Crusade the first movie in this franchise really is a bit of a classic.

What is so great about this movie and this character is he has remain timeless his adventures are just as exciting today as they were in the eighties.

And, unfortunately, The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull is not match for Raiders of the Lost Ark - special effects and CGI just didn't sit well with the fourth instalment when it was released back in 2008.

Anyway, Raiders of The Lost Ark saw Steven Spielberg back in the director's chair while Harrison Ford created another iconic character to go with Han Solo.

This film is a thrill filled ride from start to finish - Indy stealing the golden statue right at the beginning remains one of the film's most memorable moments.

Not to mention that is one of the most iconic set pieces that had ever been created for film up until that time - and it would still be up there for me.

This is just laughs, action and adventure for the entire two hours - there really isn't a moment to let to breathe.

Spielberg gets the best out of his talented cast and it really is a merging of these great performances with a wonderful and very vivid script.

But what is so great about Indy is he is an Everyman, a teacher who is always tempted to take on a challenge for the love of what he might discover.

He is not a superhero in any way shape of form and that is what audiences love about him.

Dare I say it, this is perhaps the greatest adventure movie of all time!!!

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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