Cillian Murphy

Cillian Murphy

Cillian Murphy admits that patience is a huge part of being an actor.

The Irishman has mixed and matched his roles in recent years from the likes of The Wind That Shakes The Barley to blockbuster Batman Begins.

And Murphy is back this summer with Christopher Nolan’s latest movie Inception, which sees him star alongside Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page.

Speaking to Total Film he said: "As I get older, I realise that I know less and less about this game. You can be in a film that you think has everything going for it and it doesn’t connect with an audience. It’s baffling to me."

"What I have learnt over the last few years is patience. It’s about keeping the bar high, and that can be frustrating if you get five scripts in a row that don’t reach that bar.

"You have to learn to be at home and cut the grass and unload the dishwasher and go to gigs and be confident that the right thing will turn up. As it always does..."

The actor was last seen in Perrier's Bounty and also has Hippie Hippie Shake and At Swim-Two-Birds in the pipeline this year.

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