Daniel Day Lewis

Daniel Day Lewis

Daniel Day Lewis has been described as 'extraordinary' by his latest producer Kathleen Kennedy.

The actor has teamed up with Steven Spielberg to bring to the big screen a biopic picture about Abraham Lincoln, in which he plays the part of the assassinated President.

And Kennedy has nothing but praise for the actor saying that working with him has been 'amazing'.

Speaking to Collider Kennedy said: "Daniel Day-Lewis is extraordinary; I think he may be one of the best actors ever that we've worked with.

"We're about three quarters of the way through and it's been amazing, I mean he is really quite remarkable.

"Every day you get the chills thinking that Lincoln is sitting there right in front of you."

Day Lewis has not been seen on the big screen since he took on the role of Guido Contini in musical Nine.

But he has teamed up with Joseph Gordon Levitt and Tommy Lee Jones for this latest movie - which could well bring him his third Best Actor Oscar.

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