Edgar Wright

Edgar Wright

Edgar Wright has revealed that when he first read Scott Pilgrim vs The World it reminded him of sitcom Spaced.

Bryan Lee O'Malley cult comic book series is set to reach the big screen this summer with Wright in the director's chair and Michael Cera in the title role.

Wright has also penned the script as well as served as producer on the movie in his first project since Hot Fuzz in 2007.

Speaking to Shortlist the filmmaker said: "When I first read it six years ago, aside from loving the book and the central metaphor of how hard you'd fight for something you love, it did remind me of Spaced a little bit.

"What intrigued me about it was that although Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz were kind of ridiculous they still take place in the real world.

"Spaced had these kinds of flight of fancy as well, but with Scott Pilgrim the whole thing is a flight of fancy. It's a daydream that never stops."

Wright has been juggling his directing and writing skills of late as he has penned the script for Steven Spielberg's Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn while he is all set to write and direct Ant Man, the latest Marvel comic book movie to make it to the big screen.

Scott pilgrim vs The World is released 25th August.

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