Eli Roth: 'I Am Furious Over Piracy'....

Filmmaker Eli Roth is furious his movie Hostel 2 has become the most downloaded film of all time.The horror director claims that not only was it downloaded by millions of people, but in countries where piracy is particularly widespread, the film didn't even have a theatrical release.He says, "I'm furious. Here's the thing: It's real money. People say, 'Oh, you can't get mad at people downloading.' Well then, when are you supposed to get mad? If you don't speak out against it now, then when?"And Roth has pinpointed his target movie audience as being the very persons responsible for the majority of downloads.He adds, "The audience that's specifically doing (the downloading) is 17, 18, 19 - it's the college kids, and that's my audience. If the fans are going to get pissed (at me), they're going to get pissed. I don't want those fans".

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