Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein turned the spotlight on the survivors of the Japanese tsunami and earthquake tragedies at the 2011 Asian Film Awards on Monday (21Mar11) - by sending out a heartfelt message.
The fifth annual ceremony took place in Hong Kong, but the Japanese devastation overshadowed the event, with many Asian stars, including nominated actors Koji Yakusho (13 Assassins), Rinko Kikuchi (Norwegian Wood) and Takako Matsu (Confessions), absent from the party.
Weinstein joined Hong Kong actress Carina Lau onstage to present the Best Actor prize, but took a moment to publicly greet Japanese actor Ken Watanabe and send his best wishes to the people of Japan.
Speaking directly into the camera, Weinstein said, "We hope you're safe and we hope things turn very well very quickly."
The tragic events in Japan also played on the minds of other celebrities at the awards show.
Filmmaker Feng Xiaogang, whose earthquake epic Aftershock landed honours for Best Visual Effects and Best Actress (Xu Fan), revealed bosses at two of the movie's key investors, Media Asia and Huayi Brothers, had pledged to donate $76,000 (£47,500) to the country's relief efforts.
Other winners at the Asian Film Awards included Thai film Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (Best Picture), and South Korean director Lee Chang-dong, who claimed Best Director and Best Screenplay for Poetry.
Ha Jung-woo walked away as Best Actor for his work in The Yellow Sea, and retired producer Raymond Chow, the man behind the careers of Bruce Lee, Jet Li and Jackie Chan, was handed the Lifetime Achievement Award.

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