Ian McKellen

Ian McKellen

Ian McKellen has revealed that we will get a glimpse of Bilbo Baggins' movie in the extended DVD release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

The actor, who reprises the role of Gandalf in the movie, also believed that the introduction of Cate Blanchett into the movie was a necessity.

Galadriel is a character that doesn't appear in the novel but she has a couple of small scenes in the new movie - a move that McKellen agreed with.

Writing on his blog the actor said: "One thing Middle-earth is short on is the feminine. It's a pity, because a female dwarf would have been fun.

"Bilbo's mother, the 'famous Belladonna Took', will make a brief appearance in the extended DVD/Blu-ray edition but in the film itself, thank goodness for the ravishing re-appearance of Cate Blanchett's serene Galadriel.

"She is so sweet to Gandalf, countering the sinister presence of a mournful Saruman at the conference table.

"Actually Christopher Lee wasn't with the rest of us, filming in New Zealand. His contribution was shot back home in London and then sliced into the scene, though you can't tell, of course."

The movie has been a huge box office hit and topped the box office on both sides of the pond.

But we are going to have to wait a full twelve months until The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug hits the big screen.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is out now.

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