Ian McKellan

Ian McKellan

Ian McKellan doesn't know when filming on The Hobbit will get underway.

Despite the first movie being scheduled for releases in December 2012 and the second movie a year later no further information on shooting dates or casting is known.

And while McKellan admits that he has seen the script he doesn't know when production on the movie is going to begin.

Speaking to Latino Review the actor said: "That [The Hobbit] should have started in April but they didn’t contact me about a contract until a few weeks ago and we’re in negotiation."

"I shall see (director) Guillermo del Toro and (executive producer) Peter Jackson when I’m in New Zealand after we’ve been to Australia and well find out more then.

"I’ve read the script, or as much as had been written, they sent it to me, which was very accomplished and good, I thought, and a wonderful part, Gandalf.

"But I don’t have a contract and I don’t have a start date, so there we are. We’re in a bit of limbo at the moment".

McKellan is the only actor who is confirmed for the movie, although Andy Serkis is expected to reprise the role of Gollum.

Auditions have been held for the central part of Bilbo Baggins but the actor is yet to be revealed.

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