Jamie Winstone

Jamie Winstone

Jamie Winstone has revealed that she was blown away by the Made In Dagenham script when she first read it.

The actress joins an all star British cast of Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins and Miranda Richardson as they the movie tells the story of the striking women from Dagenham Motors. 

Speaking to Digital Spy the actress said: "I knew about Dagenham Motors and the whole factory. I didn't know that these women went on strike and I didn't realise it was the first women's strike.

"I didn't realise that they changed the Equal Pay Act either, so I was pretty blown away when I first read the script and discovered that."

Winstone has mixed movie roles with TV projects this year having starred in Five Daughters earlier this year.

She returns to the big screen with Eve, a movie which she has already completed, and Anuvahood is currently in post production.

Made In Dagenham is out now.

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