Jeff Bridges

Jeff Bridges

Jeff Bridges has revealed that he was drawn back to Tron and the character of Kevin Flynn because of the advances in film technology.

Bridges is back in Tron: Legacy later this month, which comes eighteen years after the original back in 1982.

And Tron: Legacy looks to be one of the most visually stunning movies of 2010 and this was a huge reason why Bridges signed onto the project.

Speaking to Digital Spy the actor said:  "For this one, I was really interested in creating a modern-day myth about technology.

"It takes it to the next degree. We picked up where Avatar left off as far as the technology; we used a lot of that same stuff they used. "

"The big special effect that I was most interested in was performance-capture, making movies without cameras, without sets, without costumes - making everything in post-production."

It’s already been a very successful year for Bridges as he picked up a Best Actor Oscar at the beginning of 2010 for his role in Crazy Horse.

He will also be back in the new year as he teams up with the Coen brothers for True Grit, which looks set to be one of the early must see movies of 2011.

Tron: Legacy is released 17th December.

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